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就商业地产贷款需求而言,鹰石可能会考虑在自有的融资工具下为客户申请资金,特别是在要求更复杂或客户条件不符合大宗商业贷款政策的情况下。 确保商业投资者客户能够顺利完成他们热衷的投资项目,从而让他们安心。


鹰石具备并运用对全球各地主要当地房地产市场的深入了解以及在跨境融资方面的专业知识。 使客户能够为收购资产而借款,从住宅,商业物业到农村,以及其他重要的购买,如商业企业和车辆/机械。 我们的目标始终是在尽可能最好的条款和条件下协助满足客户的特定需求。


鹰石擅长在进出口货物、库存和应收账款中识别占用现金的企业,和发现将此类资产转换为即时现金的机会。我们积累多年的经验和定制方法,有助您管控风险及获得市场上难得的融资方案。 我们可以为企业客户办理的融资服务包括:

  • 发票融资:协助为企业的应收账款融资,他们需要在披露和未披露的基础上向客户提供条款; 

  • 贸易融资: 对于进口商和出口商,协助建立交易和融资额度,以便特定贸易交易不需要现金,并保留在企业中为新订 单和运营需求提供资金。

  • 设备融资: 使企业能够获得必要的车辆和其他运营所必需的设备,而无需预先花费现金来获得这些资产。

  • 供应链金融: 一种伞式融资设施,企业可以在一个结构化协议中结合各种贸易、发票和设备融资设施,以完成通常复杂而冗长的交易,而无需预先花费重要的现金。

  • 电子商务和商业设施: 向客户介绍能够提供最先进和安全的交易处理设施的金融家,以便他们的企业可以获得今天销售的当日价值。


鹰石在协助客户获得从住宅到工业地产的建筑项目方面的融资尤其有经验。 凭借在建筑领域的专业知识,我们的专家可量身定制融资方案,满足您的特定需求。 无论我们的客户只需要融资,还是更多涉及收购尽职调查和持续的物业管理服务,鹰石均可给予相关支持。




This website is owned and operated by Eaglestone Capital Management Pty Ltd (ACN: 123 048 760) for its services and the services of its related entities (together referred to as “Eaglestone Group”, “we” or “us”). 
Eaglestone Capital Management Pty Ltd is registered in Australia at Level 39, 264-278 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, and holds an Australian Financial Services License issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (AFSL No: 330294) to carry on a financial services business in Australia. 
The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not constitute advice or a recommendation to act upon the information or an offer. The information on this website does not take into account your personal objectives, circumstances, financial situations or needs. You are strongly recommended to seek independent professional advice before acquiring our services/products. 
This website is intended for persons located within Australia only and is not directed at any person in countries or jurisdictions where the offer of such financial products is not permitted or is unlawful. 
Some information on this website is directed and available to only wholesale clients under Section 761G and Section 761GA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Such information is not directed and is not suitable for retail clients. If you are unsure if you are a wholesale client, please contact us. 
Some information on this website relates to credit products regulated by the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 and such information is provided by Eaglestone Financial Group Pty Ltd (Credit Representative No 515543 of Australian Finance Group Ltd ACL No 389087) , who is a principal working for the Eaglestone Group. 
Before you decide whether or not to invest any products referred to on this website, it is important for you to read the relevant legal documents, and consider and ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. 


本网站由 Eaglestone Capital Management Pty Ltd(ACN:123 048 760)拥有和运营,以提供其及其相关实体(统称为“Eaglestone 集团”、“我们”或“我们”)的服务。
Eaglestone Capital Management Pty Ltd 持有澳大利亚证券投资委员会颁发的澳大利亚金融服务牌照(AFSL No: 330294),可在澳大利亚开展一系列金融服务业务。
本网站所含信息为一般信息,不构成根据信息或要约采取行动的建议或建议。 本网站上的信息未考虑您的个人目标、情况、财务状况或需求。 强烈建议您在获取我们的服务/产品之前寻求独立的专业建议。
根据《2001 年公司法》(联邦)第 761G 条和第 761GA 条,本网站上的某些信息仅供批发客户使用。 此类信息不是定向的,也不适合零售客户。 如果您不确定您是否是批发客户,请联系我们。
本网站上的一些信息与 2009 年《国家消费者信用保护法》监管的信贷产品有关,此类信息由鹰石旗下信贷公司Eaglestone Financial Group Pty Ltd 作为 Australian Finance Group Ltd (ACL:389087) 的信用代表(编号:515543)提供。在决定是否投资本网站提及的任何产品之前,请务必阅读相关法律文件,并考虑并确保充分理解所涉及的风险。

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